The Hunt for the Elusive Mastermind by Barry Forbes

About the Book

A wholesome family mystery series for tween and teens, 10-15 years

Wait a sec. I mean, how could that even happen? Who told the gang about the money? And those Bronx accents, that's another thing. Did the men really come all the way to little old Prescott... from New York City... to execute a perfect kidnapping? Then there's the mystery man who arrives late to the party. Who is he and what's his role? Is he the elusive mastermind, or is it someone else? (Just the idea of it gives Kathy a headache.) Is he the one responsible for such an elaborate plan? If so, he must be one very smart individual, indeed - he manages to fool the FBI and Detective Ryan. The mystery searchers take on one of their most dramatic cases ever. As usual, the foursome utilizes technology to break the case wide open, but Pete's impulsiveness gets him into a world of trouble. Then, finally, the car door opens and there sits the elusive mastermind! Who would have ever guessed his identity?


In complete darkness, the mystery searchers crouched beside the Mustang and talked next moves.

“Time to call for the troops,” Suzanne said, pulling out her cellphone.

“Wait a sec,” Pete said. “How do we know he’s home? He could’ve just circled the block while we were turning around back there. Maybe he’s on his way to Alaska and left the light on to fake us out.”

“Alaska?” His sister gave him some serious side-eye. “Where did that come from?”

“Just saying.”

“Well, don’t.”

“Google says this is where he lives,” Suzanne insisted. “The chances are pretty good he’s in the garage counting money right now.”

“What’s your point, Pete?” Tom asked quietly.

“I don’t like it. How stupid would we look if the guy’s already taken a hike?”

“Excuse me,” Kathy protested. “We should have called Detective Ryan half an hour ago.”

“What would he do?” Pete argued. “Just what we’re doing—hanging around to see if another gang member shows. But he’d also creep over there and make sure he’s home. Which is precisely what I’m gonna do.”

“Or no you’re not!” Kathy cried out.

“You can’t be serious!” Suzanne gasped. “Detective Ryan will skin us alive. We need to call him—now.”

“Watch me!” Pete bolted out from behind the car, crossed the gravel road, and jumped over an old wooden fence. He began a two-hundred-yard dash to the homestead, ducking low all the way.

Just as he reached the driveway, an automatic yard light triggered.

“Oh, Lord,” Kathy moaned.

An illuminated view of the cottage revealed a junkyard out front with a couple of stripped-down cars wasting away in weeds. What appeared to be an old washing machine and a rust-stained dryer sat between them. It was easy to see that the bungalow had seen better days.

“Now there’s a house that needs a paint job,” Suzanne quipped.

Pete hustled over to the right side of the cottage. The other three held their collective breath—Kathy in mute terror—as her brother peered into a kitchen window. It appeared to have closed curtains, but he turned their way and gave a thumbs up: He’s home. He disappeared around the corner of the house. The yard light faded away. It took seconds for their eyes to adjust to the darkness, then . . . nothing.

The threesome waited for another three minutes before Suzanne touched the screen on her cellphone.

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 About the Series

Think of this series as the Hardy Boys teaming up with Nancy Drew in the 21st century. . . with realism and a large dollop of technology. Each mystery is crafted to be fun, wholesome, captivating, mysterious and entertaining for boys and girls, basically somewhere around 10-15 years of age. The Mystery Searchers Family Book Series is for you, and for parents, grandparents, family and friends who really care about refreshingly clean content. The first eight books have been released - number nine is scheduled for a fall, 2021 release. It's a great ride. Read the terrific reviews and jump on board with the four wholesome mystery searchers on their next adventure. You won't be disappointed!

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Author Barry Forbes

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